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SLR-Mail No.1425

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Date:2006-01-02 12:06:00
Sender:Daniel Koenig, GFZ Potsdam <Daniel Koenig <dkoenig@gfz-potsdam.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1425: GFZ ERS-2 Predictions
Author:Daniel Koenig, GFZ Potsdam
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-01-02 12:06:00 UTC Message No. 1425

Author: Daniel Koenig, GFZ Potsdam
Subject: GFZ ERS-2 Predictions

Dear colleagues,

recently, GFZ distributed several prediction products for ERS-2 that are
To clarify, please note:
At the moment, best GFZ predictions for ERS-2 in IRV format are
contained in

In this context we would like to remind you that GFZ ceases distributing
precise orbit predictions for ERS-2 these days as announced in the
e-mail of Heiner Massmann on Dec 20, 2005.

Best regards
Daniel Koenig, GFZ Potsdam

From: Daniel Koenig


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