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Date:2006-01-10 02:06:00
Sender:Markus Rothacher <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1428: Announcement of Session G4 of EGU Meeting
Author:Markus Rothacher
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-01-10 02:06:00 UTC Message No. 1428

Author: Markus Rothacher
Subject: Announcement of Session G4 of EGU Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to draw your attention to session G4

”Interactions between the three pillars of space geodesy: surface
geometry, Earth rotation and gravity field”

at the EGU General Assembly to be held in Vienna, Austria,
April 2-7, 2006.

The topic of session G4 has to be seen in the context of the
Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) project of the IAG. It tries
cover the scientific issues concerning the integration of the space

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is January 13, 2006, for
online submission (January 9, 2006, else).
Further information is available at the web site of the conference:


We are looking forward to your contribution to this challenging
and interesting topic.

With best regards,

Markus Rothacher, Hermann Drewes
Conveners Session G4

Description of Session G4:

Interactions between the three pillars of space geodesy: surface
geometry, Earth rotation and gravity field

At the IAG Scientific Assembly in Cairns in Summer 2005 the Global
Geodetic Observing
System (GGOS), a project of the IAG entered its operational phase.
One of the goals of GGOS is the integration of the three pillars of
namely the Earth´s shape (including the oceans), Earth rotation and
the Earth´s gravity field, as well as their temporal variations. The
topic of this
session are all the relationships and interactions between these
three pillars.
Contributions are welcome from purely theoretical and/or modelling
considerations to
observational evidence of the relationships derived from the space
techniques including VLBI, SLR, DORIS, GNSS, the altimetry and
gravity missions, and
data on the global geophysical fluids. We also encourage
contributions showing results
based on a combined and consistent estimation of parameters from all
three pillars.
The consistent modelling of all three (or at least two of the three)
pillars in a physical
sense and the setup of common standards for the geometrical as well
as the gravimetrical
component, should also be considered in such an integration process
and belong to
the scope of this session.
Examples of interesting relationships are, e.g., reference frame
origin and orientation,
the low-degree gravity field coefficients (C01, S11, C11, S21, C21,
and S22), and the
position and orientation of the Earth´s figure and rotation axes;
loading effects seen as
surface deformation, gravity field changes and Earth rotation
variations; global mass transport,
conservation of mass and angular momentum; connections between ”wind”
and ”matter” terms derived
from Earth rotation, gravity field variations and surface
deformation; variations in polar
motion and length of day related to changes of the changes of the
Earth´s inertia
tensor and J2 (e.g., from SLR or CHAMP/GRACE); etc.

Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Markus Rothacher
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ)
Department 1: Geodesy & Remote Sensing
Telegrafenberg A 17, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany

phone: +49 (0)331 288-1100
fax: +49 (0)331 288-1111
e-mail: rothacher@gfz-potsdam.de
www: http://www.gfz-potsdam.de

From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de


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