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Date:2006-01-10 23:24:00
Sender:Frank Lemoine, Laurent Soudarin, Gilles Tavernier <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1430: IDS Workshop, Venice, 13-15 March 2006
Author:Frank Lemoine, Laurent Soudarin, Gilles Tavernier
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-01-10 23:24:00 UTC Message No. 1430

Author: Frank Lemoine, Laurent Soudarin, Gilles Tavernier
Subject: IDS Workshop, Venice, 13-15 March 2006

Dear colleagues,

The International DORIS Service (IDS) workshop will be held on March
13-15, 2006. The purpose of this workshop is to get representatives from
all IDS groups together to share information about the network, data,
products, developments and results in all aspects of DORIS. The meeting
is a platform for discussion and coordination of future activities. A
complete program will be prepared later on by the Scientific Committee
chairman (Frank Lemoine) according to the submitted abstracts.

All IDS contributors are invited to submit a paper to the IDS workshop
for presenting results in relation with topics such as system, stations
coordinates, ITRF, POD or any other IDS or DORIS related topic. IDS
Analysis centers are especially encouraged to submit papers describing
the status of their processing, and plans for future improvements.

Submission of abstracts for the IDS workshop is expected before February
1, 2006.

Authors are invited to use the dedicated submission web page:
As usual, papers will be presented during poster sessions and working
sessions whose program will be defined by the Workshop Scientifc

All information regarding this IDS workshop (program, submitted
abstracts...) will be provided and updated via the IDS web site:

For other practical informations (general logistics, registration,
accomodation...), you are invited to use the relevant pages of the
generic Venice06 web site:
- http://earth.esa.int/venice06/
- registration and accomodation:

The IDS meeting will take place at the Lido Convention Center, the same
venue as the Radar altimetry symposium, and the Ocean Surface Topography
Team Science Meeting.

We are looking forward to see you in Venice!

On behalf of the the IDS Govening Board and Central Bureau,

Frank Lemoine, Laurent Soudarin and Gilles Tavernier

From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de


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