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SLR-Mail No.1432

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Date:2006-01-18 00:34:00
Sender:Frank Lemoine <flemoine@bowie.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1432: GFO-1 spacecraft status on 17/01/2006
Author:Frank Lemoine
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-01-18 00:34:00 UTC Message No. 1432

Author: Frank Lemoine
Subject: GFO-1 spacecraft status on 17/01/2006
Subject: GFO-1 spacecraft status on 17/01/2006

Subject: GFO-1 spacecraft status on 17/01/2006

Dear Colleagues,

We have been informed that on Saturday January 14, 2006 between
04:00 and 07:00 UT, the GFO spacecraft experienced an anomaly
and entered an automated tumble.

The spacecraft has since been returned to nominal attitude
and payload operations are slowly being resumed. The cause
of the anomaly is under investigation.

We find from our analysis of the Doppler data
that the pre-anomaly and post-anomaly orbits are incompatible,
indicating possibly some thruster firings during the anomaly.

We will today (August 17, 2005, ~22:30 UT)
shortly send out a predict based solely on the post-anomaly
Doppler data.

We apologize for any inconvenience this anomaly has caused
to the tracking stations.


Frank Lemoine
Code 697, Space Geodesy Laboratory
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

From: flemoine@bowie.gsfc.nasa.gov


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