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SLR-Mail No.1451

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Date:2006-03-23 22:39:00
Sender:Daniel Koenig, GFZ <Daniel Koenig <dkoenig@gfz-potsdam.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1451: CHAMP Manoeuvre
Author:Daniel Koenig, GFZ
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-03-23 22:39:00 UTC Message No. 1451

Author: Daniel Koenig, GFZ
Subject: CHAMP Manoeuvre

Dear colleagues,

please be informed about the upcoming orbit manoeuvre of CHAMP (ILRS
Satellite ID: 0003902). CHAMP is going to be lifted by about 15 km. The
manoeuvre will be divided into two parts scheduled as follows:

Manoeuvre 1:
Start: 2006-03-27, 04:58:00 UTC
End: 2006-03-27, 16:04:40 UTC

Manoeuvre 2:
Start: 2006-03-28, 05:23:00 UTC
End: 2006-03-28, 16:55:02 UTC

GFZ will update the orbit predictions immediately following the manoeuvres.

Best Regards,
Daniel Koenig

From: Daniel Koenig


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