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Date:2006-04-05 08:32:00
Sender:GGOS Chair and Co-Chairs; via Markus Rothacher <rothache <rothache@gfz-potsdam.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1452: First Circular of the GGOS Workshop in October 2006
Author:GGOS Chair and Co
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-04-05 08:32:00 UTC Message No. 1452

Author: GGOS Chair and Co-Chairs; via Markus Rothacher
Subject: First Circular of the GGOS Workshop in October 2006

Dear Colleagues,

from October 9-13, 2006, several geodesy conferences will be held in Munich:

- Fédération International des Geomètres (FIG, International Federation of
- IAG Symposium GREF2006
- INTERGEO, the largest geodesy instrument exhibition in Europe
- Geodetic Week 2006 (young German Geodesy Scientists Meeting)


These activities will bring many geodetic experts to Munich, and we would like
to make use of this opportunity for a GGOS Workshop from

Sunday, 08.10.2006 10:00 - 17:00
Monday, 09.10.2006 09:00 - 12:00

at the Technical University Munich, Germany.

The themes of this GGOS Workshop 2006 will focus on
two major issues, namely the GGOS organization and politics, and the
scientific goals of GGOS. The workshop will address these two issues in four

Session 1: Status and Future of GGOS
- GGOS organizational status and future
- GGOS WG activities
- GEO/GEOSS activities
- IGOS-P activities
- UNESCO/UNEF umbrella

Session 2: The Science of Earth System Dynamics
- Mass transport in the Earth system
- Dynamic interactions of the solid Earth and its fluid envelope
- Earth system dynamics as observed by the three pillars of space geodesy:
geometry and kinematics, Earth orientation and rotation, and the gravity field
and its variability

Session 3: Inconsistencies in GGOS Data and Products
- Inconsistencies in data collection
- Conceptual inconsistencies
- Inconsistencies in analysis and models
- Inconsistencies in product definition and services

Session 4: Towards a Combined Analysis of Geodetic Observations Across the
Three Pillars of Geodesy
- Towards common conventions for the three pillars
- Integrated modeling across the three pillars
- Combination including all the three pillars
- Combination of results versus combination of observations

More details on the workshop, including deadlines for registration and
abstract submission will be made available in May 2006 at

We hope to see you all in Munich for this GGOS Workshop 2006.

With best regards,
Markus Rothacher (GGOS Chair)
Ruth Neilan, Hans-Peter Plag (GGOS Vice-Chairs)

From: rothache


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