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SLR-Mail No.1492

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Date:2006-09-19 18:34:00
Sender:Claudia Urschl <Claudia Urschl <claudia.urschl@aiub.unibe.ch>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1492: GIOVE-A orbit update
Author:Claudia Urschl
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-09-19 18:34:00 UTC Message No. 1492

Author: Claudia Urschl
Subject: GIOVE-A orbit update

Dear colleagues,

since 3. September (DoY 245) SLR tracking of GIOVE-A is very difficult.
There are, however, some SLR observations at DoY 251 and 251 and 259,
which differ by about 1.5 km from the predictions.

Assuming a velocity change at DoY 245 3:00 UTC of

radial -100 mm/sec
along track -10 mm/sec
out of plane -260 mm/sec

allows to fit the SLR obervations at the 5 meter level.

A seven day prediction (DoY 260-267) based on the above assumptions can
be found at:


Hope, you find GIOVE-A again!
Best regards,
Claudia Urschl


Claudia Urschl Phone : +41-31-631-3802
Astronomical Institute Fax : +41-31-631-3869
University of Bern E-mail : claudia.urschl@aiub.unibe.ch
Sidlerstrasse 5 FTP : ftp://ftp.unibe.ch/aiub/
CH-3012 Bern Web : http://www.aiub.unibe.ch/

From: Claudia Urschl


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