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SLR-Mail No.1496

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Date:2006-09-27 18:04:00
Sender:Johan Bernhardt <johan@bootes.hartrao.ac.za>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1496: 7501 HARL: Operational Status
Author:Johan Bernhardt
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-09-27 18:04:00 UTC Message No. 1496

Author: Johan Bernhardt
Subject: 7501 HARL: Operational Status

Dear Colleagues,

Moblas-6 was inoperative from Yesterday (day 269 06h50 UT) until Today
(day 270 08h36 UT) as a result of a UPS failure (Best UPS), we have
rectified the UPS and used the importunately to replaced the old

As a result we had to reset our Station Time Code Generator

We regret the subsequent loss of data.


From: johan@bootes.hartrao.ac.za


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