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SLR-Mail No.1503

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Date:2006-11-04 00:25:00
Sender:F. Lemoine <Frank G. Lemoine <flemoine@puuoo.gsfc.nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1503: Jason-1 spacecraft in safehold
Author:F. Lemoine
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-11-04 00:25:00 UTC Message No. 1503

Author: F. Lemoine
Subject: Jason-1 spacecraft in safehold

Dear Colleagues,

This message is sent by SLRMAIL, because of exploder
problems at the CDDIS.

The Jason-1 spacecraft has been in safehold since October 30.
As per the project status message below, corrective measures
are being taken by the CNES and JPL control centers.

In safehold, the spacecraft is not in its nominal attitude,
so this explains the tracking problems experienced by
SLR stations in recent days.

We will send out updates as soon as more information
becomes available. In the meantime, normal tracking
of Jason-1 may be reduced although we need some
passes to maintain the SLR predicts, and to avoid
the need to resort to use of TLE´s when Jason-1
exits safehold.

F.G. Lemoine
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

DATE: 30 October 2006, 1700 PDT
PROJECT: Jason-1

DATE OF INCIDENT: 30 October 2006


On a routine Jason-1 telemetry contact through the CNES Aussaguel (France)
Earth Terminal on October 30 at 1326 PDT, numerous ground system telemetry
alarms indicated that the satellite had transitioned to a Safe Mode state.


Per documented Safe Mode contingency procedures, commands were uplinked to
command the satellite to a low-rate telemetry mode; it was also verified
that the satellite was in a safe and power-positive sun-pointing
configuration. Over several subsequent contact opportunities, attempts were
made to read out recorded on-board engineering telemetry data in proximity
to the Safe Mode transition point; however, early indications are these data
were somehow corrupted in the on-board memory storage unit, and useful data
around the anomaly event may not be present/available (it is possible this
corruption may be a symptom or cause of the Safe Mode transition).


No science data is being collected while the satellite is in a Safe Mode
configuration, and the satellite currently remains in a stable,
power-positive state. CNES is now managing and directing satellite
contingency operations from the CNES operations center in Toulouse, France,
with support from the JPL operations center. Additional incident report
updates will be issued when the cause of the anomaly has been determined and
a recovery plan/schedule is made available.

From: ”Frank G. Lemoine”


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