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Date:2006-11-09 23:47:00
Sender:Pascal Willis <Frank Lemoine <flemoine@bowie.gsfc.nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1504: DORIS Special Issue in Journal of Geodesy
Author:Pascal Willis
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-11-09 23:47:00 UTC Message No. 1504

Author: Pascal Willis
Subject: DORIS Special Issue in Journal of Geodesy
Subject: DORIS Special Issue in Journal of Geodesy
Subject: DORIS Special Issue in Journal of Geodesy

Dear colleagues,

The DORIS Special Issue in the Journal of Geodesy is currently being
printed by Springer-Verlag (November issue).

You will find below the complete table of content, including the exact
page numbers and DOIs.

Congratulations to all authors and co-authors and many thanks again to all
the reviewers who made it possible to publish such a large special issue
within a reasonnable timetable.

Best regards

Pascal Willis
Guest Editor


Willis, P. 2006. Preface, JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):401, DOI:

Tavernier, G.; Fagard, H.; Feissel-Vernier, M.; Le Bail, K.; Lemoine, F.;
Noll, C.; Noomen, R.; Ries, J.C.; Soudarin, L.; Valette, J.J.; Willis, P.
2006. The International DORIS Service: genesis and early achievements,
JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):403-417, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0082-4

Noll, C.; Soudarin, L. 2006. On-line Resources Supporting the Data,
Products, and Information Infrastructure for the International DORIS
Service, JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):419-427, DOI:

Fagard, H. 2006. Twenty years of evolution for the DORIS permanent
network: from its initial deployment to its renovation, JOURNAL OF GEODESY
80(8-11):429-456, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0084-2

Jayles, C.; Nhun-Fat, B.; Tourain, C. 2006. DORIS: System Description and
Control of the Signal Integrity, JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):457-472, DOI:

Bernhardt, P.A.; Siefring, C.L.; Galysh, I.J.; Rodilosso, T.F.; Koch,
D.E.; MacDonald, T.L.; Wilkens, R.; Landis, G.P. 2006. Ionospheric
applications of the scintillation and tomography receiver in space
(CITRIS) mission when used with the DORIS radio beacon network, JOURNAL OF
GEODESY 80(8-11):473-485, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0064-6

Li, F.; Parrot, M. 2006. Total Electron Content Variations Observed by a
DORIS Station During the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake, JOURNAL OF
GEODESY 80(8-11):487-495, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0053-9

Zelensky, N.P.; Berthias, J.P.; Lemoine, F.G. 2006. DORIS time bias
estimated using Jason-1, TOPEX/Poseidon and ENVISAT orbits, JOURNAL OF
GEODESY 80(8-11):497-506, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0075-3

Lemoine, J.M.; Capdeville, H. 2006. A corrective model for Jason-1 DORIS
Doppler data in relation to the South Atlantic Anomaly, JOURNAL OF GEODESY
80(8-11):507-523, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0068-2

Williams, S.D.P.; Willis, P. 2006. Error Analysis of Weekly Station
Coordinates in the DORIS Network, JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):525-539,
DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0056-6

Le Bail, K. 2006. Estimating the noise in space-geodetic positioning: the
case of DORIS, JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):541-565, DOI:

Bettinelli, P.; Avouac, J.P.; Flouzat, M.; Jouanne, F.; Bollinger, L.;
Willis, P.; Chitrakar, G.R. 2006. Plate Motion of India and Interseismic
Strain in the Nepal Himalaya from GPS and DORIS Measurements, JOURNAL OF
GEODESY 80(8-11):567-589, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0030-3

Nocquet, J.M.; Willis, P., Garcia, S. 2006. Plate kinematics of
Nubia-Somalia using a combined DORIS and GPS solution, JOURNAL OF GEODESY
80(8-11):591-607, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0078-0

Soudarin, L.; Cretaux, J.F. 2006. A model of present-day tectonic plate
motions from 12 years of DORIS measurements, JOURNAL OF GEODESY
80(8-11):609-624, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0090-4

Altamimi, Z.; Collilieux, X.; Boucher, C. 2006. DORIS Contribution to
ITRF2005, JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):625-635, DOI:

Feissel-Vernier, M.; Le Bail, K.; Beriot, P.; Coulot, D.; Ramillien, G.,
Valette, J.J. 2006. Geocentre motion measured with DORIS and SLR, and
predicted by geophysical models, JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):637-648, DOI:

Gambis, D. 2006. DORIS and the Determination of the Earth´s Polar Motion,
JOURNAL OF GEODESY 80(8-11):649-656, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0043-y

Stepanek, P.; Hugentobler, U.; Le Bail, K. 2006. First results of DORIS
data analysis at Geodetic Observatory Pecný, JOURNAL OF GEODESY
80(8-11):657-664, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-006-0071-7

Pascal Willis
Institut Geographique National
Direction Technique Ph: +33-1-43-98-83-24
2, avenue Pasteur, BP 68 FAX: +33-1-43-98-81-71
94160 Saint-Mande, France Em: pascal.willis@ign.fr

From: Frank Lemoine


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