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SLR-Mail No.1511

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Date:2006-11-29 23:21:00
Sender:Andriy Bilinsky <Andrij Bilinskij <slr1831@ukr.net>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1511: 1831 LVIL Transmitting-receiving system crash
Author:Andriy Bilinsky
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-11-29 23:21:00 UTC Message No. 1511

Author: Andriy Bilinsky
Subject: 1831 LVIL Transmitting-receiving system crash

Dear Colleagues,
we temporarily do not observe because of transmitting-receiving system crash has caused by one of motors damage. We hope to deal with the breakdown in a 2-3 weeks.
Sincerely yours, Andriy.

Andriy Bilinsky (bilian@astro.franko.lviv.ua, icq 218630410)
SLR 1831 - LVIV
Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of L´viv
8, Kyryla i Mefodia str.
L´viv, 79005, Ukraine

From: ”Andrij Bilinskij”


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