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SLR-Mail No.1515

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Date:2006-12-06 15:55:00
Sender:Zuheir Altamimi <Zuheir Altamimi <altamimi@ensg.ign.fr>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1515: SLR ITRF2005 Special Solution
Author:Zuheir Altamimi
SLR Electronic Mail 2006-12-06 15:55:00 UTC Message No. 1515

Author: Zuheir Altamimi
Subject: SLR ITRF2005 Special Solution

Dear SLR users of ITRF2005,

Because the ITRF2005 combination revealed a scale inconsistency between
SLR and VLBI solutions of 1.0 ppb at epoch 2000.0 and a scale rate of
0.08 ppb/yr, and the fact that the ITRF2005 scale is defined by VLBI,
it was decided to make available to SLR users an SLR solution extracted
from the ITRF2005 and re-scaled back by the aforementioned scale and
scale rate. This solution is available at

provided in two SINEX files:

* ITRF2005_ILRS_rescaled.SNX: station positions expressed
at epoch 2000.0
* ITRF2005_ILRS_rescaled-MV.SNX: station positions expressed
at epochs of minimum variances

Two corresponding tables listing station positions and velocities
with their sigmas are also available:


For any question or assistance, please don´t hesitate to contact

Best Regards
Zuheir Altamimi


Zuheir Altamimi Email : altamimi@ensg.ign.fr
Institut Geographique National Phone : 33 1 64 15 32 55
ENSG/LAREG FAX : 33 1 64 15 32 53
6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal
77455 Champs-sur-Marne, FRANCE

From: Zuheir Altamimi


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