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SLR-Mail No.1583

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Date:2007-08-09 09:08:00
Sender:John Degnan, Ulrich Schreiber <John Degnan <john.degnan@sigmaspace.com>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1583: Session 8: Grasse ILRS Workshop
Author:John Degnan, Ulrich Schreiber
SLR Electronic Mail 2007-08-09 09:08:00 UTC Message No. 1583

Author: John Degnan, Ulrich Schreiber
Subject: Session 8: Grasse ILRS Workshop

With regard to the upcoming ILRS Workshop in Grasse during the week of
September 24, we wish to draw your attention to session 8 entitled ”New and
related laser ranging space projects for tomorrow and next decade”. We
encourage the submission of discussion topics and/or suggested
presentations from the general membership related to new applications of
pulse travel time measurements or related opportunities such as

- transponder applications and technology demonstrators
- interplanetary ranging
- altimetry and lidar
- time transfer (frequency synchronisation)

or other ”new” applications. If you wish to submit a presentation for
consideration, please send a title and abstract to one or both of the
Session Chairs listed in the Cc box. Because of time limitations, we
request that any presentation be limited to 10 minutes.

On behalf of the programme committee,

John Degnan and Ulrich Schreiber
Session 8 Co-Chairs

Dr. John J. Degnan
Chief Scientist
Sigma Space Corporation
4801 Forbes Blvd.
Lanham, MD 20706
Phone: 301-552-6300 Ext. 121
Fax: 301-577-9466
E-mail: John.Degnan@sigmaspace.com

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”us-ascii”

Author: John Degnan, Ulrich Schreiber

With regard to the upcoming ILRS Workshop in Grasse during the week of
September 24, we wish to draw your attention to session 8 entitled
"New and related laser ranging space projects for tomorrow and next
decade". We encourage the submission of discussion topics and/or
suggested presentations from the general membership related to new
applications of pulse travel time measurements or related opportunities
such as

- transponder applications and technology demonstrators

- interplanetary ranging

- altimetry and lidar

- time transfer (frequency synchronisation)

or other "new" applications. If you wish to submit a
presentation for consideration, please send a title and abstract to one
or both of the Session Chairs listed in the Cc box. Because of time
limitations, we request that any presentation be limited to 10 minutes.

On behalf of the programme committee,

John Degnan and Ulrich Schreiber

Session 8 Co-Chairs

Dr. John J. Degnan

Chief Scientist

Sigma Space Corporation

4801 Forbes Blvd.

Lanham, MD 20706

Phone: 301-552-6300 Ext. 121

Fax: 301-577-9466

E-mail: John.Degnan@sigmaspace.com


From: John Degnan


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