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SLR-Mail No.1605

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Date:2007-09-15 00:14:00
Sender:Randall Ricklefs, UT/CSR <Randall L. Ricklefs <ricklefs@csr.utexas.edu>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1605: 7080 MLRS New detector test data
Author:Randall Ricklefs, UT
SLR Electronic Mail 2007-09-15 00:14:00 UTC Message No. 1605

Author: Randall Ricklefs, UT/CSR
Subject: 7080 MLRS New detector test data

Dear Colleagues:

Over the last several months, MLRS has accumulated about 150 passes or
parts of passes taken during tests of a Hamamatsu detector. This test
data has higher than expected RMSes, but recent analysis at UT/CSR has
not shown any biases. Therefore, we expect to release the data over the
next couple of days. MLRS Hamamatsu detector data can be identified by
system configuration identifier (SCI) = 4. Any additional data take with
this detector will be released with little delay.

Best regards,

Randall Ricklefs
University of Texas / Center for Space Research

From: ”Randall L. Ricklefs”


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