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Date:2007-11-21 18:25:00
Sender:Jim Ray (Conventions Advisory Board) <Jim.Ray <jim.ray@noaa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1618: recent updates to the IERS Conventions
Author:Jim Ray
SLR Electronic Mail 2007-11-21 18:25:00 UTC Message No. 1618

Author: Jim Ray (Conventions Advisory Board)
Subject: recent updates to the IERS Conventions

Gerard Petit and Brian Luzum of the IERS Conventions
Center have announced the following updates in IERS
Message No. 121.

* Chapter 9 ”Troposheric model” was extensively revised
on 28 June 2007, as previously reported. See

* Chapter 5 ”Transformation Celestial and Terrestrial
Systems” was updated on

+ 16 February 2007: Revised section 5.8.3 to make the
references for the planetary fundamental arguments
clear (from P. Wallace and N. Capitaine).

+ 23 October 2007: New section 5.4.6 on Free Core
Nutation (FCN) has been added with a subroutine for
a discrete model by S. Lambert, for those who do
not apply IERS published empirical nutation offsets.
Additional minor corrections in the text make the
chapter´s terminology consistent with current IAU

See: http://tai.bipm.org/iers/convupdt/convupdt_c5.html

* Chapter 7 ”Displacement of Reference Points” was updated
on 20 June 2007 and 23 October 2007 for minor corrections
in the solid Earth tides subroutine dehanttideinel.f for
effects at the level of 0.1 mm or less. The routine
remains under review for some other possible corrections
whose effect should be <0.05 mm. See:

Information on all IERS Conventions updates can be found
at: http://tai.bipm.org/iers/convupdt/convupdt.html

From: ”Jim.Ray”


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