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SLR-Mail No.1619

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Date:2007-11-22 17:31:00
Sender:Johan Bernhardt <johan@bootes.hartrao.ac.za>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1619: 7501 HARL: Operational Status
Author:Johan Bernhardt
SLR Electronic Mail 2007-11-22 17:31:00 UTC Message No. 1619

Author: Johan Bernhardt
Subject: 7501 HARL: Operational Status

Hi All,

Please note that MOBLAS 6 is operational again.

The MPACS problem was traced to power supply oscillations on the 5 volt
supply, with the power supply now rectified we are still not able to track
satellites due to bad weather since the beginning of the week.

We are looking forward to resume tracking as soon as the weather clears up.

Best Regards,

Manager: MOBLAS 6

From: johan@bootes.hartrao.ac.za


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