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SLR-Mail No.1623

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Date:2007-11-26 10:00:00
Sender:Ryo Nakamura, JAXA <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1623: JAXA/Tanegashima SLR station (GMSL) is restored
Author:Ryo Nakamura, JAXA
SLR Electronic Mail 2007-11-26 10:00:00 UTC Message No. 1623

Author: Ryo Nakamura, JAXA
Subject: JAXA/Tanegashima SLR station (GMSL) is restored

Dear Colleagues

In the SLR Electronic Mail No.1613,
we told JAXA/Tanegashima SLR station(GMSL)
was stopping.

By replacing a coupling,
we have successfully fixed the problem.

GMSL resumed normal operation from last Thursday.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regard,

Ryo Nakamura

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Precise Orbit Measurement in Fight Dynamics Division,
Consolidated Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Department
Office of Space Flight and Operation
Ryo Nakamura=A1=A4Mr.



From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de


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