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Date:2008-02-08 22:17:00
Sender:Peter Shelus <Peter Shelus <pjs@csr.utexas.edu>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1645: Laser Ranging/McDonald Observatory
Author:Peter Shelus
SLR Electronic Mail 2008-02-08 22:17:00 UTC Message No. 1645

Author: Peter Shelus
Subject: Laser Ranging/McDonald Observatory


This documentary presentation from BBC Horizon has some views of
lunar laser ranging at the MLRS with some interesting words on what
such observations bring to the analysis of gravitational theory. =A0The
BBC crew was at the MLRS in mid-summer and so the footage is barely
six months old.

This has already been shown on the BBC late last month and I am not
aware of when it might be shown elsewhere. =A0However, the following
lets you look at the presentation on your computer.

=2E.... Peter

Horizon: What on Earth is Wrong With Gravity?
Aired: January, 29 2008 on BBC2 Particle physicist and ex D:Ream
keyboardist Dr. Brian Cox believes that the answer to the meaning of
the.... Jan 31, 2008.
video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3D-843994142204928073 - 16k - Cached -
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From: Peter Shelus


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From: Peter Shelus


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