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SLR-Mail No.1659

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Date:2008-04-17 15:24:00
Sender:Georg Kirchner <kirchner@flubpc04.tu-graz.ac.at to>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1659: Change of email address
Author:Georg Kirchner
SLR Electronic Mail 2008-04-17 15:24:00 UTC Message No. 1659

Author: Georg Kirchner
Subject: Change of email address

We just received an information, that our E-Mail addresses will be
changed within the next few weeks;

From: kirchner@flubpc04.tu-graz.ac.at to
From: koidl@flubpc04.tu-graz.ac.at to

The OLD addresses ( ...@flubpc04.tu-graz.ac.at) will be switched off
at end of May 2008 (or so ....)
the NEW addresses (....@oeaw.ac.at) are already fully operational now.




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