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Date:2008-07-06 23:39:00
Sender:Kirco Arsov <Dr. Kirco Arsov <kirco.arsov@fgi.fi>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1694: CPF predictions cpp example (class wrapper working example?)
Author:Kirco Arsov
SLR Electronic Mail 2008-07-06 23:39:00 UTC Message No. 1694

Author: Kirco Arsov
Subject: CPF predictions cpp example (class wrapper working example?)

Dear Colleagues,
We are updating the prediction software for Metsähovi, and herewith I
would like to take this oportunity to ask the community if someone have
any class wrappers (working examples) for the cpp files provided on the
ilrs homepage (cpf sample code/cpf_eos_cpp diectory). It would certainly
ease my life, save some time and we would not have to reinvent the wheel
and make the YourTimeDateClass, YourTimeIntervalClass, etc from scratch. I
am incorporating the classes from cpf_eos_cpp directory and would really
appreciate if someone could provide a working example.



Dr. Kirco Arsov
Finnish Geodetic Institute
Department of Geodesy and Geodynamics
P.O.Box 15
Geodeetinrinne 2
02431 Masala
Tel. +358-(0)9-2564995
Fax. +358-(0)9-2955 5200

From: ”Dr. Kirco Arsov”


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