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SLR-Mail No.1710

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Date:2008-08-19 09:15:00
Sender:Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG <Bernd Sierk <sierk@mail.tigo.cl>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1710: 7405 CONL: TIGO offline due to telescope maintenance
Author:Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG
SLR Electronic Mail 2008-08-19 09:15:00 UTC Message No. 1710

Author: Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG
Subject: 7405 CONL: TIGO offline due to telescope maintenance

Dear colleagues,

as of today the TIGO SLR module (CONL) in Concepción will go offline and
undergo a profound maintenance of its telescope system. This is a
scheduled technical service with the goal to change all four Coudé
prisms in the optical path. The components exhibit damages on their
surfaces due to optical abrasion. By replacing the prisms we hope to
significantly increase the transmission of the telescope optics, which
will allow us to resume regular two-color operation and perform better
on HEO missions. In order to access the optics it is inevitable to lift
the entire telescope structure, so we will have to remeasure the
eccentricity w.r.t. SRP and increase the occupation number in the site
log after the maintenance. We hope to be back in operation in three
weeks from now - please keep fingers crossed ;-)

Best regards,


Dr. Bernd Sierk
German Federal Office of Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
Observatorio TIGO (www.tigo.cl)
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile
email: bernd.sierk@bkg.bund.de
Tel: +56-41-2207035
Fax: +56-41-2207031

From: Bernd Sierk


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