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SLR-Mail No.1721

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Date:2008-10-09 08:50:00
Sender:Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG <sierk@mail.tigo.cl>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1721: 7405 CONL: TIGO operating again, new site log file
Author:Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG
SLR Electronic Mail 2008-10-09 08:50:00 UTC Message No. 1721

Author: Bernd Sierk, TIGO, BKG
Subject: 7405 CONL: TIGO operating again, new site log file

Dear colleagues,

after successful completion of a major telescope maintenance the TIGO SLR
module (CONL) is operating again. During the past 6 weeks we have changed
all prisms of the Coude telescope. We now expect a better performance on
HEO satellites due to improved transmission properties. Since the
telescope has been lifted and re-positioned during the maintenance work
the eccentricity and height wrt SRP has changed. An updated site log file
will be uploaded to the ILRS site shortly. Due to a remaining detector
problem we are still unable to measure in the blue channel and will
continue to operate at 847 nm for now. I will inform you as soon as we
regain two color ranging capability.

Best regards,


Dr. Bernd Sierk
Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie (BKG)
Observatorio TIGO
Universidad de Concepcion
Concepcion, Chile
email: bernd.sierk@bkg.bund.de
Tel: +56-41-2207035
Fax: +56-41-2207031
WWW: www.tigo.cl

From: sierk@mail.tigo.cl


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