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SLR-Mail No.1728

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Date:2008-11-06 19:47:00
Sender:Georg Kirchner <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1728: 7839 GRZL Graz SLR Station down from 10. Nov. - 01. Dez. 2008
Author:Georg Kirchner
SLR Electronic Mail 2008-11-06 19:47:00 UTC Message No. 1728

Author: Georg Kirchner
Subject: 7839 GRZL Graz SLR Station down from 10. Nov. - 01. Dez. 2008

Dear colleagues,

the Graz SLR station will be down from 10.Nov. - 02. Dez. 2008, due to a
replacement of our - very very old - dome.
Because this involves also some concrete work, all together will take
about 3 weeks.
During this time, we will not have ANY dome there, so we have to protect
the SLR telescope with some stable covers - which most likely will not
allow any ranging activity.

The placing of the new dome is scheduled for 01. Dez. 2008, and we are
optimistic to resume SLR within one (or few) days after that.

As we are now just entering our ”foggy season”, we hope that we will not
miss too many passes :-)
Sorry for this interruption - but we just could not say ”NO” when out
university offered to pay for a new dome .....

Best regards,




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