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SLR-Mail No.1749

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Date:2009-02-12 09:12:00
Sender:Markus Rothacher <Markus Rothacher <markus.rothacher@ethz.ch>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1749: Change of Coordinates
Author:Markus Rothacher
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-02-12 09:12:00 UTC Message No. 1749

Author: Markus Rothacher
Subject: Change of Coordinates
Subject: Change of Coordinates
Subject: Change of Coordinates

Dear Colleagues,

please note that in the beginning of 2009, I moved back
to my home country, more precisely to the ETH Zurich (ETHZ).
My new coordinates are listed below.

With best regards,
Markus Rothacher

ETH Zurich Tel. : +41-44-633-3375
Prof. Dr. Markus Rothacher Fax : +41-44-633-1066
Inst. of Geodesy and Photogrammetry E-Mail: markus.rothacher@ethz.ch
Schafmattstr. 34
CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland

From: Markus Rothacher


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