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Date:2009-02-21 01:22:00
Sender:Shuanggen Jin <slrmail@dgfi3.dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1757: Ocean Remote Sensing Subsession 4.3 at IAG2009
Author:Shuanggen Jin
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-02-21 01:22:00 UTC Message No. 1757

Author: Shuanggen Jin
Subject: Ocean Remote Sensing Subsession 4.3 at IAG2009

Dear Colleagues:

The IAG 2009 General Assembly will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug.31-Sep.4, 2009 (http://www.iag2009.com.ar). We would like to draw you attention to the Geodetic Ocean Remote Sensing Subsession 4.3 (within IAG G04: Positioning and Remote Sensing of Land, Atmosphere and Ocean). Deadline for the abstract submission is extended to March 6, 2009 (http://www.iag2009.com.ar/registration). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Session 4.3: Multi-satellite Ocean Remote Sensing
Shuanggen Jin (Uni. Texas at Austin; Korea Astron. & Space Sci. Inst.)
Ole Baltazar Andersen (Danish National Space Center, DTU, Denmark)

Remote sensing capabilities from (GPS, SAR, GRACE, Laser and Radar Altimetry etc) provide unprecedented opportunities for monitoring, studying, and forecasting the ocean environment. An integrated approach of synthesizing various remote sensing data and also combining them with in situ measurements and ocean models is highly desirable, both for physical and biological oceanography and for marine gravity and geodesy.

This session will address current capabilities, progresses and future directions for ocean circulation, ocean tides, sea level change, air-sea interactions, global/regional oceanographic processes, water cycle/budget, and tsunamis warning system. This session also welcomes submissions that combine GPS-reflectometry with in-situ Tide-gauge observations, SAR, Scatterometry and Altimetry data for monitoring, comparing and calibration in ocean remote sensing, as well as propose new applications for these observations, and present future missions/challenges. Papers on emerging technologies and combination of existing and new sensors including those deployed on aircraft and on operational applications are particularly encouraged.

All the bests!

Dr. Shuanggen JIN
Center for Space Research
University of Texas at Austin
3925 West Braker Lane, Suite 200
Austin, Texas 78759, USA
Tel: 512-795-7766; Fax: 512-471-3570
Email: sgjin@kasi.re.kr; sg.jin@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.gnss.googlepages.com

From: slrmail@dgfi3.dgfi.badw-muenchen.de


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