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SLR-Mail No.1763

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Date:2009-04-06 23:57:00
Sender:Carey Noll/ILRS CB <Carey Noll <Carey.E.Noll@nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1763: New email exploders for the ILRS
Author:Carey Noll
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-04-06 23:57:00 UTC Message No. 1763

Author: Carey Noll/ILRS CB
Subject: New email exploders for the ILRS

Dear ILRS colleagues,

Starting this week on April 8, the ILRS will implement new
email exploders which can be used by the ILRS community to
communicate messages to specific elements of the service. Up
until this time, all exploders were manually managed here at
the ILRS Central Bureau; immediate delivery to members was not
available due to the risk of spam message distribution. This
new email system will utilize NASA´s listserv facility; all
messages will be directed to (and come from) an address of
the form ilrs-<>@lists.nasa.gov (for example for
the Central Bureau, the address is ilrs-cb@lists.nasa.gov).
This message was sent out to SLRMail as well as the new
ilrs@lists.nasa.gov exploder.

Therefore, starting on April 8, we ask that you start using
this address format for communications through the ILRS
exploders. Available email exploders are:

ilrs - All ILRS contacts
ilrs-a - ILRS associates
ilrs-cb - Central Bureau
ilrs-ac - Analysis centers
ilrs-aac - Associate analysis centers
ilrs-dc - Data centers
ilrs-gb - Governing Board
ilrs-llr - LLR associate analysis centers
ilrs-oc - Operations centers
ilrs-sta - Stations
ilrs-web - Webmaster
ilrs-awg - Analysis Working Group
ilrs-dfpwg - Data Formats and Procedures Working Group
ilrs-mwg - Missions Working Group
ilrs-newg - Networks and Engineering Working Group
ilrs-pfsg - Prediction Format Study Group
ilrs-rsg - Refraction Study Group
ilrs-sp - Signal Processing Study Group
ilrs-twg - Transponder Working Group

**Note, SLRMail, SLReport, URGENT, and PREDICTION exploders are NOT
affected by this change.

These exploders and the new procedures are described on the
ILRS Web site at:
where you can also view the membership of these lists. Members of
these groups have already been subscribed to the new mailing lists.
Should you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to any of these lists,
please contact Carey Noll (Carey.Noll@nasa.gov). You may receive
emails on the first of each month notifying you of which lists you
are subscribed to. You can ignore these emails; no action is required
on your part to maintain membership.

Attachments are permitted when sending messages to the exploders.
Messages are distributed to members immediately and are archived
for viewing through the web at:
(replace <> with one of the exploder names in the list
above). Messages sent from email addresses outside of the ILRS
community (including spam sources) are held for review by the CB. If
the message is legitimate it will be forwarded to the appropriate

Please contact Carey Noll (carey.noll@nasa.gov) if you have any
questions about or problems using these new ILRS exploders.

Ms. Carey Noll
Manager, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS)
Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau
Code 690
Greenbelt, MD 20771

E-mail: Carey.Noll@nasa.gov
Voice: (301) 614-6542
Fax: (301) 614-6015
WWW: http://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov

Ms. Carey Noll
Manager, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS)
Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau
Code 690
Greenbelt, MD 20771

E-mail: Carey.Noll@nasa.gov
Voice: (301) 614-6542
Fax: (301) 614-6015
WWW: http://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov

From: Carey Noll


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