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SLR-Mail No.1769

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Date:2009-05-08 11:31:00
Sender:Julie Horvath, HTSI / NASA SLR <Horvath, Julie E. <Julie.Horvath@Honeywell.com>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1769: HTSI Data Management Computer off-line
Author:Julie Horvath, HTSI
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-05-08 11:31:00 UTC Message No. 1769

Author: Julie Horvath, HTSI / NASA SLR
Subject: HTSI Data Management Computer off-line

Dear Colleagues,

The HTSI Data Management Computer is currently off-line due to on-going
network maintenance at the HTSI facility. We are hoping that this
outage will only last for a short time. We will inform the community
when the network maintenance has been completed.

Best Regards,

Julie Horvath

From: ”Horvath, Julie E.”


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