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SLR-Mail No.1782

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Date:2009-07-21 08:38:00
Sender:Julie Horvath, NASA SLR <Horvath, Julie E. <Julie.Horvath@Honeywell.com>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1782: 7090 YARL: MOBLAS-5, YARRAGADEE operational status and data release
Author:Julie Horvath, NASA SLR
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-07-21 08:38:00 UTC Message No. 1782

Author: Julie Horvath, NASA SLR
Subject: 7090 YARL: MOBLAS-5, YARRAGADEE operational status and data release

Dear Colleagues,

The MOBLAS-5 system, located in Yarragadee, Australia, is now back in
operational status after the successful completion of a significant
laser upgrade that included the installation of a new laser Saturable
Absorber. The system has been operating in this configuration since
July 3rd, 2009. HTSI has held the data for evaluation during this time,
and after favorable analysis results the SLR data has been approved for

All MOBLAS-5 data since July 3rd will be released in the coming days,
and all current data will begin flowing to the ILRS Data Centers as
usual. Please send a message to the HTSI engineering team
(thomas.oldham@honeywell.com; howard.donovan@honeywell.com;
julie.horvath@honeywell.com), as well as the MOBLAS-5 crew
(moblas@midwest.com.au) if there are any issues with the MOBLAS-5 SLR

Thank you for your patience during this interruption of data.

Best Regards,

Julie Horvath
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

From: ”Horvath, Julie E.”


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