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SLR-Mail No.1800

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Date:2009-10-11 23:26:00
Sender:Andriy Makeyev <Postmaster CLO GAO NAN Ukraine <clogao@rambler.ru>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1800: 1893 KTZL: Weather Data Replacement
Author:Andriy Makeyev
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-10-11 23:26:00 UTC Message No. 1800

Author: Andriy Makeyev
Subject: 1893 KTZL: Weather Data Replacement
Subject: 1893 KTZL: Weather Data Replacement
Subject: 1893 KTZL: Weather Data Replacement

Dear colleagues,

This year since August 17 until September 05 the SLR station
”Katzively-1893” provided incorrect weather parameters in normal points
and merit-2 files. We corrected these parameters and resent revised
normal points with release flag ”1” and full-rate merit-2 files to EDC.
Corresponding files in EDC were updated (NP) and replaced (FR).

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Best regards,
Andriy Makeyev,
SLR station Katzively-1893,
Crimean Laser Observatory MAO NASU,
Katzively, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine

From: ”Postmaster CLO GAO NAN Ukraine ”


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