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SLR-Mail No.1806

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Date:2009-11-13 08:58:00
Sender:Etienne Samain, Jean-Marie Torre <Etienne Samain <etienne.samain@obs-azur.fr>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1806: First echoes on the moon with Meo
Author:Etienne Samain, Jean
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-11-13 08:58:00 UTC Message No. 1806

Author: Etienne Samain, Jean-Marie Torre
Subject: First echoes on the moon with Meo

Dear Colleagues,

After the important improvements that have been done on the MeO station
during 4 years, Jean-Marie Torre has just obtained the first normal points
on the Moon. This come back to the moon is a very good news for the
scientific community and is also an important step for all the work that was
made on the station. It now works with a new motorization able to track
both fast and slow targets, a new dome, a new operational laser bench and
some new software. All these developments, was supported by several agencies
including OCA, CNES, and the French national institute of the universe

The MeO team

From: ”Etienne Samain”


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