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SLR-Mail No.1810

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Date:2009-12-01 01:03:00
Sender:Carey Noll/CDDIS, Bruno Garayt/IGN, and the IDS Central Bureau <Carey Noll <Carey.Noll@nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1810: Jason-1/-2 quaternion and solar array files
Author:Carey Noll
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-12-01 01:03:00 UTC Message No. 1810

Author: Carey Noll/CDDIS, Bruno Garayt/IGN, and the IDS Central Bureau
Subject: Jason-1/-2 quaternion and solar array files

Since Jason-1 and Jason-2 carry an SLR retroreflector in addition,
to a DORIS receiver, this information is also of interest to SLR

Carey, Bruno, and the IDSCB
Begin forwarded message:

> ******************************************************************************
> dorismail 30-Nov-2009 18:48:17 Message No 0629
> ******************************************************************************
> Author: Carey Noll
> Subject: Jason-1/-2 quaternion and solar array files
> Dear Colleagues,
> Please note that new files relative to Jason-1 and -2 attitude files
> are now archived in the IDS Data Centers (CDDIS and IGN) and delivered
> on a daily basis.
> These files are available at the data centers since the launch of each
> satellite in the directories:
> pub/doris/ancillary/quaternions/SSS/YYYY
> where
> SSS = ja1, ja2
> YYYY = year of the data
> Two types of files are available: the first contains the attitude
> quaternions of the S/C body, the other contains the solar panel
> angular positions. The filename convention is as follows:
> SSSqbodyYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_yyyymmddhhmnss.LLL
> SSSqsolpYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_yyyymmddhhmnss.LLL
> where
> SSS = the satellite three-character abbreviation (ja1, ja2)
> qbody or qsolp = fixed part (qbody for body quaternions, qsolp
> for solar panel angular positions)
> YYYY = date: year of first data, MM = date: month of the first
> data, DD = date: day in the month of first data
> HH = time: hour of the first data , MN = time: mn of the first
> data, SS = time: second of the first data
> yyyy = date: year of last data, mm = date: month of the last
> data, dd = date: day in the month of last data
> hh = time: hour of the first data, mn = time: mn of the first
> data, ss = time: second of the first data
> LLL = version number (starting with 001 for the initial version)
> Both types of files, body quaternions (qbody) and solar_panel
> angular positions (qsolp), will be delivered on a daily basis. Both
> files correspond to the same period (28 hours of data, 2 overlapping
> hours between 2 consecutive files). Documentation about these new
> files are available in the Central Bureau ftp directory:
> ftp.cls.fr/pub/ids/ancillary/quaternions/jason1_2_quaternion_solar_panel.pdf
> Please contact the IDS Central Bureau if you have any question about
> this information.
> Best regards,
> Carey Noll, Bruno Garayt, and the IDS Central Bureau
> -----
> Ms. Carey Noll
> Manager, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS)
> Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau
> Code 690.1
> Greenbelt, MD 20771
> E-mail: Carey.Noll@nasa.gov
> Voice: (301) 614-6542
> Fax: (301) 614-6015
> WWW: http://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov

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Ms. Carey Noll
Manager, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS)
Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau
Code 690.1
Greenbelt, MD 20771

E-mail: Carey.Noll@nasa.gov
Voice: (301) 614-6542
Fax: (301) 614-6015
WWW: http://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov


From: Carey Noll


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