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SLR-Mail No.1817

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Date:2009-12-11 01:48:00
Sender:Bernd Sierk, BKG/TIGO, Concepción <Bernd Sierk <sierk@mail.tigo.cl>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1817: 7405 CONL: TIGO status
Author:Bernd Sierk, BKG
SLR Electronic Mail 2009-12-11 01:48:00 UTC Message No. 1817

Author: Bernd Sierk, BKG/TIGO, Concepción
Subject: 7405 CONL: TIGO status

Dear colleagues,

yesterday (Dec. 9) TIGO-SLR resumed operation, as we were able to fix
the Ti:Saph oscilator at least temporarily without the new pump laser,
which is still on its way through customs. It is not clear how long this
fix will last but we hope to keep the laser running until the needed
spare parts are on site. With luck, we can operate without further
interruption (except for a day or two when changing the pump source), so
keep fingers crossed there won´t be another message from us soon.

Best wishes and greetings from the summer hemisphere,


Dr. Bernd Sierk
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)
Observatorio TIGO - Universidad de Concepcion
Camino Einstein km 2.5 Concepcion, Chile
email: bernd.sierk@bkg.bund.de
Tel: +56-41-2207035
Fax: +56-41-2207031
WWW: www.tigo.cl

From: Bernd Sierk


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