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Date:2010-08-27 09:11:00
Sender:Richard Gross <Gross, Richard S (335N) <richard.s.gross@jpl.nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1905: GGOS Session at Fall AGU
Author:Richard Gross
SLR Electronic Mail 2010-08-27 09:11:00 UTC Message No. 1905

Author: Richard Gross
Subject: GGOS Session at Fall AGU

Dear Colleagues -

As part of the 2010 Fall Meeting of the AGU that will be held in San Franci=
sco, California during 13-17 December 2010 there will be a session on ”The =
Next Generation Global Geodetic Observing Networks”. The description of the=
session is given below.

On behalf of the conveners I would like to draw your attention to this sess=
ion and encourage you to participate in it. We are developing a rich sessio=
n that will describe the next generation Global Geodetic Observing Networks=
, their instrumentation and use in addressing geodetically demanding scient=
ific topics like global sea level change. We hope that you will be able to =
join us in San Francisco for this exciting session. More information about =
the 2010 Fall Meeting of the AGU can be obtained from its web site at ://www.agu.org/meetings/fm10/>.

Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts is 02 September 2010=

Hope to see you in San Francisco!

Best regards,


G06: The Next Generation Global Geodetic Observing Networks

The measurements needed to determine the Terrestrial Reference Frame, Celes=
tial Reference Frame, and Earth Orientation Parameters linking them togethe=
r are provided by international SLR, VLBI, GNSS, and DORIS networks. Yet th=
ese networks are in danger of collapse. The SLR and VLBI networks are deter=
iorating to the point that they are no longer sustainable, and the GNSS net=
work needs to be upgraded to take advantage of newly available signals and =
constellations. Current progress and future plans in developing the next ge=
neration of these networks including plans for incorporating complementary =
gravity networks will be discussed in this session, as will the scientific =
and societal requirements levied on the performance of the networks..


Richard Gross
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(818) 354-4010

Frank Lemoine
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Erricos Pavlis
Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore C
(410) 455-5832

Bill Petrachenko
Natural Resources Canada


From: ”Gross, Richard S (335N)”


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