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Date:2010-12-13 09:36:00
Sender:Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-6980) <frank.g.lemoine@nasa.gov> <slrmail@dgfi3.dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1938: Orbit dynamics session at the EGU, Vienna, 2011
Author:Lemoine, Frank G.
SLR Electronic Mail 2010-12-13 09:36:00 UTC Message No. 1938

Author: Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-6980)
Subject: Orbit dynamics session at the EGU, Vienna, 2011

Dear Colleagues--

With apologies for cross posting, please consider submitting an abstract for
the following session at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly,
Vienna, 2011:


Space vehicle dynamics as applied to precise orbit determination and
validation: pushing the edge of the envelope

Convener: Marek Ziebart
Co-Convener: Urs Hugentobler
Abstract Submission
Convener Login

The accuracy of satellite precise orbit determination underpins
fundamentally many applications of geodesy to earth and other planetary
science. Our current principal challenge is to determine orbits at the
centimetre, or even sub-centimetre, level. New constellations of GNSS are
being launched offering new technical hurdles and opportunities; improved
gravity field models are available through the extended analysis of GRACE
data and new LEO position-critical missions (e.g. Jason-2, GOCE, CRYOSAT-2)
are currently on orbit. Reprocessing campaigns and improved observable
modelling offer outstanding experimental data to test approaches to orbit
determination. However, time series analysis of estimated tracking station
coordinates indicates significant energy in observable residuals at
draconitic and beta-prime (solar) related periods. Modelling of satellite
surface forces is still problematic. Many issues need to be explored by the
community but at the same time we have strong indication of emerging
techniques and models that stand to improve orbit determination against a
range of metrics.

In particular we encourage contributions to the session that make accessible
the technical challenges of orbit determination and modelling to the wider
community, quantifying the nature of the impact of dynamics errors on
geodetic parameters and the terrestrial reference frame.

This session solicits contributions in the following areas: (1) precise
orbit determination and validation; (2) impacts of new gravity field models
on orbit determination; (3) satellite surface force modelling; (4) advances
in modelling atmospheric density and in atmospheric gravity; (5) advances in
modelling earth radiation fluxes and their interaction with space vehicles;
(6) analysis of changes in geodetic parameters/earth models resulting from
improved force modelling/orbit determination methods; (7) relevant
improvements in observable modelling for all tracking systems, e.g. SLR,
DORIS, GNSS and their impact upon orbit determination; (8) the impact of
improved clock modelling methods/space clocks on precise orbit
determination; (9) advances in understanding and modelling satellite
attitude behaviour; (10) orbit determination for other solar system
missions; (11) insights into GPS long term orbit behaviour through the IGS
re-processing campaigns; (12) insights into LEO long term orbit behaviour
through the Jason/TOPEX reprocessing campaigns

We look forward to seeing you in Vienna,
Marek Ziebart and Urs Hugentobler

Marek Ziebart
Professor of Space Geodesy
Director, Space Geodesy and Navigation Laboratory Vice Dean for Research,
Faculty of Engineering Sciences

University College London,
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Gower Street,
London, WC1E 6BT

EMAIL: marek@cege.ucl.ac.uk
TEL: +44 (0) 20 7679 1359 (Direct Dial)
FAX: +44 (0) 20 7679 3042
SKYPE: marek.ziebart

WEB: http://www.cege.ucl.ac.uk/
OFFICE: Room 118, 1st floor, Chadwick Building

”A problem well stated is a problem half solved.”
- Charles Franklin Kettering (1876-1958)

From: slrmail@dgfi3.dgfi.badw-muenchen.de
From: ”Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-6980)”


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