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Date:2011-01-21 19:34:00
Sender:Richard Gross <Gross, Richard S (335N) <richard.s.gross@jpl.nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1953: Special issue on Earth Rotation (Journal of Geodynamics)
Author:Richard Gross
SLR Electronic Mail 2011-01-21 19:34:00 UTC Message No. 1953

Author: Richard Gross
Subject: Special issue on Earth Rotation (Journal of Geodynamics)

Dear colleagues,

A Joint GGOS/IAU Workshop on ”Observing and Understanding Earth Rotation” w=
as held in Shanghai, China during October 25-28, 2010. We are glad to annou=
nce that Journal of Geodynamics has agreed to publish a special issue, both=
online and in print, on the topics of this workshop, namely, on observing =
and understanding Earth rotation. This special issue will consist not only =
of papers presented at the workshop but will also include other contributio=
ns on this topic that are submitted in response to this open call for paper=

You are all invited to submit a manuscript for this special issue, and all =
manuscripts will be handled by the standard peer-review process of the Else=
vier Editorial System (EES). No page limits will be imposed on individual s=
ubmissions but we are estimating 15-20 submissions for a total of 100-150 p=
ages in the special issue.=20

1. the deadline for all papers to be submitted to EES: May 1, 2011
2. the deadline for all papers to be ready for production (i.e. final deci=
sions made on all papers and communicated to all involved parties) is Septe=
mber 1, 2011.

Following is the instruction of submission:
--- ---
The journal´s submission, review and decision process is managed entirely o=
nline using the Elsevier Editorial System. It means that all manuscripts sh=
ould be submitted via=20

A user guide can be found at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescri=

To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion in th=
e special issue, it is IMPORTANT that authors select SPECIAL ISSUE: Earth R=
otation when they reach the ”Article Type” step in the submission process.=

If you encounter technical difficulties while using the e-submission syste=
m, please write to authorsupport@elsevier.com, or find help from EES suppor=
t department by telephone:
=B7 For The Americas: +1 888 834 7287 (toll-free for US & Canadian =
=B7 For Asia & Pacific: +81 3 5561 5032
=B7 For Europe & rest of the world: +353 61 709190

Best regards,
Richard Gross and Chengli Huang, on behalf of=20
the SOC of the workshop=

From: ”Gross, Richard S (335N)”


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