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SLR-Mail No.1959

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Date:2011-01-28 09:08:00
Sender:Julie Horvath, NASA SLR <Horvath, Julie E. <Julie.Horvath@Honeywell.com>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1959: HTSI Data Management Computers Returned to Operation
Author:Julie Horvath, NASA SLR
SLR Electronic Mail 2011-01-28 09:08:00 UTC Message No. 1959

Author: Julie Horvath, NASA SLR
Subject: HTSI Data Management Computers Returned to Operation

Dear Colleagues,

The HTSI Data Computers were returned to operation, and all SLR data
deliveries were resumed at 02:00 GMT on January 28th. We regret any
inconvenience that the power outage may have caused.

Best Regards,

Julie Horvath
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

From: ”Horvath, Julie E.”


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