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Date:2011-04-15 09:06:00
Sender:Pascal Willis <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 1983: ASR Special Issue - Satellite Altimetry Calibration - Announcement
Author:Pascal Willis
SLR Electronic Mail 2011-04-15 09:06:00 UTC Message No. 1983

Author: Pascal Willis
Subject: ASR Special Issue - Satellite Altimetry Calibration - Announcement
Dear colleagues,

Papers are invited for a special topic issue of Advances in Space
Research (ASR) entitled ?Satellite Altimeter Calibration and Deformation
Monitoring using GNSS?

Global warming is a key scientific issue nowadays. Over the past
decades, satellite altimetry has provided an unprecedented amount of
data for monitoring sea level changes and thus global warming. Such
scientific results however rely on a significant number of geophysical
corrections as well as on continuous monitoring of the satellite
altimeter performances using in-situ data. A few calibration sites
around the world provide accurate calibration of satellite altimeters
using different in-situ techniques involving monitoring of geodetic
instruments close to the satellite tracks or at crossing points
(platforms, tide gauges, buoys, etc.). While Global Navigation Satellite
Systems, such as GPS, are key tools for geodetically monitoring the
vertical velocity of such calibration sites, several scientific issues
are still under consideration, as vertical positioning is still
difficult to obtain in an absolute sense. Furthermore, new satellite
altimeters, such as delay-Doppler, wide swath, etc., will soon provide
new types of observations for sea-level monitoring and allowing
altimetry to be closer at the coastal regions, for which new types of
calibration could be foreseen.

This Special Issue is open to all scientists discussing new scientific
challenges in satellite altimeter calibration (technical aspects related
to the altimeter functioning, description of current calibration sites
and current techniques, or global satellite calibration using networks
of tide gauges or GNSS networks), as well as current limitations in
deformation monitoring (monitoring of the vertical, use of regional and
continuously-operating GNSS networks, reference issues when expressing
vertical velocities in global, regional or local frames). Paper
addressing topics related to natural hazards would also be welcome.

Papers must be submitted electronically through the EES/Elsevier Web
system at http://ees.elsevier.com/asr. To ensure that all manuscripts
are correctly identified for inclusion into the Special Issue, authors
must select ?Special Issue: Altimetry Calibration?, when they reach the
?Article Type? step in the submission process.
Submitted papers must be written in English and should indicate full
affiliation addresses for all authors. All manuscripts will be subject
to a standard peer-review process, including at least two independent
reviewers. There are no page limits, but the length of the paper should
be appropriate to the scientific material being presented. Manuscripts
should follow the general format used in ASR:

The deadline for submission is 15 January 2012.

Manuscripts will be accepted on a paper-by-paper basis and available
on-line with a DOI a few days after acceptance. Contributors to this
issue will have an opportunity to purchase individual issues once the
issue is finalized. All articles will be typeset at no cost to the
author, while a nominal fee will be charged to the authors for color
figures in print, but not in the electronic version.

Dr. Pascal Willis (pascal.willis@ign.fr) is the Guest Editor for this
Special Issue. Authors will be regularly informed on the progress of
this Special Issue by email until its final publication. Questions can
be directed to Pascal Willis or to the Co-Editor for Special Issues, Dr.
Peggy Ann Shea (sssrc@msn.com).

Best regards

Pascal Willis
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Ph : +33-(0)1-57-27-84-81
Etudes Spatiales et Planetologie FAX: +33-(0)1-57-27-84-82
4, place Jussieu, Case 89 Em : willis@ipgp.fr
Paris 75252 Cedex 5, France http://www.ipgp.jussieu.fr/~willis

From: slrmail@dgfi.badw.de
From: Pascal Willis


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