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SLR-Mail No.2098

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Date:2012-06-30 19:02:16
Sender:Frank Lemoine <Frank.G.Lemoine@nasa.gov>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2098: Power Outage at NASA GSFC and Impact on the NASA CDDIS
Author:Frank Lemoine
SLR Electronic Mail 2012-07-01 19:32:01 UTC Message No. 2098
Author: Frank Lemoine

Dear Colleagues:

I relay the following message at the request of Carey Noll.

Due to the severe storms that occurred Friday evening
local time (June 29, 2012) in the Washington DC area,
NASA GSFC has lost all external power connections.
This means the NASA CDDIS, and the associated data centers
of the IGS, IDS, ILRS, and IVS are down
and are not available.

We do not have estimate as to when
service will be restored at the present time. The region
of Washington DC has sustained major damage to
its power infrastructure, and there are up to 1 million
homes without power and this will doubtless slow
the recovery.

We regret the inconvenience this interruption
in service has caused for the NASA CDDIS
users. We will provide further updates
as soon as we have further information.

Very kind regards,

Frank Lemoine
Planetary Geodynamics Laboratory
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


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