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SLR-Mail No.2232

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Date:2014-04-29 08:16:30
Sender:Kalvis Salmins <kalvis@lanet.lv>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2232: SLR Riga 1884 status
Content:We expect to restart operation again in June, after finishing
infrastructure repair, telescope maintenance
and most important - getting funding for tracking.

We apologize for any inconvenience

Best regards,
Kalvis Salminsh

Institute of Astronomy
University of Latvia
Boulevard Rainis 19
Riga, LV 1050

We expect to restart operation again in  June, after finishing
infrastructure repair, telescope maintenance

and most important -  getting funding for tracking.

 We apologize for any inconvenience

Best regards,

Kalvis Salminsh

Institute of Astronomy

University of Latvia

Boulevard Rainis 19

Riga, LV 1050



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