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SLR-Mail No.2250

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Date:2014-06-23 09:16:26
Sender:&#8221;Bianco Giuseppe&#8221; <giuseppe.bianco@asi.it>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2250: MLRO down
Author:Giuseppe Bianco, MLRO
Content:Author: Giuseppe Bianco, MLRO

Dear Colleagues
The MLRO system is down since May 15th due to the incredibly frequent malfunctions that we are experiencing with the Photek MCP photomultipliers. Some of them quit working after a few hours of operations, some after a few weeks. Is anybody else experiencing similar problems with Photek?
Best regards

Dr. Giuseppe Bianco
Responsabile U. O. ”Geodesia Spaziale”
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
Centro di Geodesia Spaziale ”G. Colombo”
tel: +39-0835-377509 mobile: +39-320-8579369
email: giuseppe.bianco@asi.it 

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