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SLR-Mail No.2267

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Date:2014-08-07 07:29:03
Sender:PETIT Francois <francois-m.petit@fr.thalesgroup.com>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2267: Re: 7810 ZIML: Zimmerwald SLR back on-line
Content:Dear Mr. Ploner,

It is great news that system is back on track with new amplifier pumping chamber (DPCH 256)
I was reviewing contract status and found that we did not update contract for 2014.
Also we have to include triode replacement of last service.
>From my records I would like to propose a 2014 contract with the usual 3 visits/4 days + triode replaced in July.
We would take last visit as a first visit (one visit/two days).

Please confirm to whom we should send the offer.

Also we should check spare parts. Could you update what spare parts you have on the system ?
It could make sense to prepare for potential needs (triode, mirror, DPCH,...) and limit downtime.

Best regards,

Francois PETIT
Laser Service Manager
2 Av. Gay-Lussac
Tel +33 1 30 96 89 38
Fax +33 1 30 96 70 56

Please check our website : www.thales-laser.com
-----Message d´origine-----
De : Martin Ploner [mailto:martin.ploner@aiub.unibe.ch]
Envoyé : jeudi 24 juillet 2014 22:10
À : slrmail@dgfi.badw.de
Cc : LOY Charles; PETIT Francois
Objet : 7810 ZIML: Zimmerwald SLR back on-line

Dear colleagues,

after replacing the defect amplifier laser head the Zimmerwald SLR station could go back on-line on 23th July.

Thanks to the great effort of Mr. Loy from Thals Optronique Zimmerwald could resume the SLR measurements much earlier than predicted.

Best regards,

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