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SLR-Mail No.2277

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Date:2014-10-20 01:05:03
Sender:&#8221;Horvath, Julie E.&#8221; <Julie.Horvath@Honeywell.com>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2277: 7125 GO1L Greenbelt, MD: NASA NGSLR Data Release
Author:Julie Horvath, NASA NGSLR
Content:Author: Julie Horvath, NASA NGSLR

Dear Colleagues,
The analysis for the NASA Next Generation Satellite Laser Ranging (NGSLR) Prototype Station data has been completed and it is now ready for release to the ILRS Data Centers. 
The NGSLR performance was verified with the successful NGSLR / MOBLAS-7 Collocation conducted from May 29 - July 5, 2013.  After the collocation was completed the system continued to be operated, but only in between engineering efforts.  Configuration of the system during this time was not frozen.  During this entire period the data flag ”H4 - col.62” has been set to a ”2” to indicate the engineering status of the station.  This data should not be subjected to a quarantine, and the flag indicates to analysts that the data should not be used in their weekly submissions.
The NGSLR data release spans from May 29, 2013 - May 13, 2014 and will be available after October 20, 2014.
Best Regards,
Julie Horvath
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.

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