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SLR-Mail No.2282

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Date:2014-12-01 14:01:01
Sender:Antonio Pazos <pazos@roa.es>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2282: 7824 SFEL : San Fernando SRL station
Content:Dear colleagues:

San Fernando SLR station (SFEL 7824) uploaded data files since Jun 12 to
Aug 8, 2014 are affected by an error due a wrong measurement in the
distance from the telescope cross axis to the calibration target. The
reported distance was 444 cm while the true one is 451 cm. A +233 ps biass
should be applied for this period

When trying to fix the error we made a new one affecting the data files
uploaded since Aug 8, because we had not into account the calibration
target angular displacement. So the used distance was 462 cm, but not the
above mentioned 451. In this case the biass to apply must be -367ps.

We have modified paragraph 8.04 in the SFEL log file to clarify this problem.
Since this night, 02/12/2014 00:00:00.00, we´ll apply the new value 451 cm.

We apologize for the inconveniences caused by these errors (in the attached
file you can find an extract of the upload data file)

Best regards

Dr. CF. Antonio A. Pazos García
Jefe de la Sección de Geofísica/Head of the Geophysical Department
Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada
C/ Cecilio Pujazón s/n
11.100 San Fernando (SPAIN)
Phone: +34 956 54 52 94
Fax: +34 956 59 93 66{ tf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang3082{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 Courier New;}{f1fswissfcharset0 Arial;}}
{*generator Msftedit;}viewkind4uc1pardf0fs20par
6.01.03 Primary Chainpar
Wavelength [nm]: 532par
Detector Type : C-SPADpar
Manufacturer : PESO Consulting/Grazpar
Model : par
Quantum Efficiency [%]: 20par
Nominal Gain : par
Rise Time [ps]: <2400par
Jitter (Single PE)[ps]: <30par
Field of View [”]: 40-60par
Date Installed : 2001-01-24par
Date Removed : (yyyy-mm-dd)par
Signal Processing : CFDpar
Manufacturer : Tennelec (start only)par
Model : TC454par
Date Installed : 2014-09-30par
Date Removed : (yyyy-mm-dd)par
Amplitude Measurement : NOpar
Return-rate Controlled: NOpar
Mode of Operation : Single to Multi Photonpar
Time of Flight Observ. : INTERVALpar
Manufacturer : Stanford Researchpar
Model : SR 620ipar
Resolution [ps]: 4par
Precision [ps]: 30par
Date Installed : 2001-08-10par
Date Removed : (yyyy-mm-dd)par
Additional Information : Since 2014-09-30 the TENNELEC TC454 was replaced by same modelpar
f0 8.04 Calibration Type : PRE+POSTpar
Target Location : EXTERNALpar
Target Type : Optical squarepar
Target Structure : Mirrorspar
Target Distance [m]: 2.255par
Date Measured : 2014-06-12par
Accuracy (mm) [mm]: 2par
Verification : Nopar
Return-rate Controlled : NOpar
Mode of Operation : Single to Multi Photonspar
Average Cal Interval [min]: 60par
Single Shot RMS [mm]: 8par
Edit Criterion 1st Chain : ITERATIVE 2.5 SIGMApar
Edit Criterion 2nd Chain : N.A.par
Application of Cal Data : AVERAGEpar
Date Installed : 2014-06-12par
Date Removed : (yyyy-mm-dd)par
Additional Information : From 2014-06-12 to 2014-12-01 target distance had an measure error.par
ab ab ab ab ab : From 2014-06-12 to 2014-08-16 a bias must be applied (+ 233 ps).par
ab ab ab ab ab : From 2014-08-17 to 2014-12-01 a bias must be applied (- 367 ps).par

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