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SLR-Mail No.2407

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Date:2016-08-12 11:36:56
Sender:&#8221;Franz Koidl&#8221; <franz.koidl@oeaw.ac.at>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2407: Session on Advances in laser ranging technology and new applications at the 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging
Content:Dear SLR colleagues and SLR friends,

the 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging will be held in Potsdam, Germany from October 09 to 14, 2016.

As conveners of the session ”Advances in laser ranging technology and new applications”
we invite you to register for the Workshop and submit contributions to this session via the workshop portal :


Some of the topics the session might focus on are the following:

- Advances in the different, commonly used technologies like lasers, detectors etc.
- Different approaches for the epoch time systems
- New Applications like time transfer, space debris, attitude motion determination etc.
- Science in the field of geodesy, using lasers (ring lasers, etc.)
- etc. .....

The abstract submission deadline is Sunday, September 11, 2016.

We are looking forward to your contributions!

Session Chairs: Zhang Zhongping, Evan Hoffman and Franz Koidl

Kind Regards,

Franz Koidl


Franz Koidl Tel ++43-316-873-4654
Space Research Institute Fax ++43-316-873-4656
Department Planetary Geodesy e-mail franz.koidl@oeaw.ac.at
AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES HP http://iwf.oeaw.ac.at/
Lustbuehelstrasse 46


Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de