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SLR-Mail No.243

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Date:1999-02-04 09:00:00
Sender:James Long, Van S. Husson, NASA SLR Program <HussonV@thorin.atsc.allied.com (Husson, Van)>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 243: New SOD and Eccs for Station 7105
Author:James Long, Van S. Husson, NASA SLR Program
SLR Electronic Mail 1999-02-04 09:00:00 UTC Message No. 243

Author: James Long, Van S. Husson, NASA SLR Program
Subject: New SOD and Eccs for Station 7105
by SLRAL2.ATSC.ALLIED.COM with SMTP for SLRMail@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de;
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 20:53:15 -0500
by thorin.atsc.allied.com (PostalUnion/SMTP(tm) v2.2 (Build 22008) for Windows NT(tm))
id AA-1999Feb03.205100.1122.2129844; Wed, 03 Feb 1999 20:46:47 -0500

Effective 1 February 1999, the Site Occupancy Designator (SOD) of MOBLAS
7 has been incremented to 71050725 as a result of new geodetic survey
conducted by NASA SLR Survey Group. Below are excerpts from this survey

A new geodetic survey of the MOBLAS-7 telescope reference point (the
intersection of the azimuth and elevation axis) and the Goddard
Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (GGAO) calibration piers was
completed in relation to the survey control network at the GGAO. Some
evidence that one of the GGAO calibration piers had undergone a shift in
position predicated the survey. This survey provides new calibration data
for the MOBLAS-7 system to each visible GGAO calibration pier and system
eccentricities from Station Number 7105. Survey observations were
completed using precise conventional Electro-Optical techniques.

The effective date for the new MOBLAS-7 eccentricities and calibration
data is 12 December 1998.

MOBLAS-7 System Eccentricities in relation to Station 7105

North: -0.008 Meters
East: -0.032 Meters
Up: 3.139 Meters

The previous survey of the MOBLAS-7 system was completed in October 1993
and the system has remained extremely stable during the intervening
period. The small changes in the system eccentricities of 0.003, 0.002
and 0.001 meters in the N, E and UP eccentricities respectively can be
attributed to several factors, such as; newer and more precise survey
instrumentation used in the new survey measurements; small settlements
and creep in the location of the GGAO monuments; and small changes in the
MOBLAS-7 system in relation to Station 7105.

The survey did disclose a relatively large shift in the position of GGAO
Calibration Pier ”B” in relation to the GGAO survey scheme ( 0.011m
North, 0.003m East,-0.028m Up). (Note: As a result of this movement, the
range to pier ”B” from the system increased by 5.3mm. Calibration pier
”B” had been used since 1986 as the primary calibration target for MOBLAS
7. Due to the suspected instability of this pier, on 23 November 1998,
MOBLAS 7 switched its primary calibration target to another more stable
calibration target.)

If there are any questions concerning this survey, the calibration data,
or the previous surveys of the MOBLAS-7 system, please contact Jim Long
at 301-805-3977 or email longj@thorin.atsc.allied.com .

From: HussonV@thorin.atsc.allied.com (Husson, Van)


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