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SLR-Mail No.2440

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Date:2017-06-05 11:00:07
Sender:Toshimichi Otsubo <t.otsubo@r.hit-u.ac.jp>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2440: Hitotsubashi Univ QC: Station coordinates switched to SLRF2014
Author:Toshimichi Otsubo, Hitotsubashi University
Content:Author: Toshimichi Otsubo, Hitotsubashi University

Dear ILRS Colleagues,

Given a green light from the Analysis SC, we today switched the station
coordinates from SLRF2008 to SLRF2014, for the 6-hourly QC analysis
at Hitotsubashi University. The POD software was upgraded to
”c5++ R889” at the same time to handle the PSD functions of ITRF2014.

See http://geo.science.hit-u.ac.jp/slr/bias/

By accumulating long-term trends, you may see some station-dependent
discontinuities in the bias values at 2017052206-14d and onwards.

The overall residual RMS becomes smaller with this change, but let me
know if you see any issues in our analysis reports.

Best Regards,
Toshimichi Otsubo
Hitotsubashi University
Web http://geo.science.hit-u.ac.jp/ Tel & Fax +81-42-580-8968

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