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SLR-Mail No.2471

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Date:2017-11-17 16:02:55
Sender:&#8221;Pearlman, Michael R. (Mike)&#8221; <mpearlman@cfa.harvard.edu>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2471: Re: [SLR-Mail] No.2469: 7840 time bias 6-15 November 2017

Thank you. Mike

On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 9:58 AM, Jose Rodriguez wrote:

> ************************************************************
> ********************
> SLR Electronic Mail
> ************************************************************
> ********************
> Author: Jos Rodrguez
> Dear colleagues,
> The maser at Herstmonceux station had a technical problem on 6th
> November. Pierre Exertier from the T2L2 team was able to spot this issue
> and kindly let us know. All the 7840 passes from the 6th to the 15th
> November previously submitted have a time bias of ~2.8 us (*). We have
> re-reduced all the data with the appropriate clock corrections. Users
> who fetch the data from the daily CDDIS files should ensure they check
> the CRD release flag and overwrite any previous data files.
> Although the reason for the fault has not been established yet, the
> maser is stable and operations continue as normal. We thank Pierre for
> the information.
> Kind regards,
> Jos Rodrguez
> (*) UTC station plots from T2L2 available at
> http://www.geoazur.fr/t2l2/en/data/v4/
> --
> |
> ==================================================== -O- ========
> | NERC Space Geodesy Facility /| |
> | Herstmonceux Castle / |
> | Hailsham / |
> | East Sussex ( / / /) |
> | UK BN27 1RN ( /_/ / ) |
> | Tel: +44 (0)1323 833888 ( |O| / ) |
> | Fax: +44 (0)1323 833929 ================= |
> | Email: josrod@nerc.ac.uk == == |
> | Web: http://sgf.rgo.ac.uk/ = = |
> =================================================================
> ________________________________
> This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is
> subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this
> email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt
> from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in
> an electronic records management system.
> ________________________________
> ************************************************************
> ********************

Thank you. Mike

On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 9:58 AM, Jose Rodriguez <josrod@nerc.ac.uk> wrote:

SLR Electronic Mail


Author: Jos Rodrguez

Dear colleagues,

The maser at Herstmonceux station had a technical problem on 6th

November. Pierre Exertier from the T2L2 team was able to spot this issue

and kindly let us know. All the 7840 passes from the 6th to the 15th

November previously submitted have a time bias of ~2.8 us (*). We have

re-reduced all the data with the appropriate clock corrections. Users

who fetch the data from the daily CDDIS files should ensure they check

the CRD release flag and overwrite any previous data files.

Although the reason for the fault has not been established yet, the

maser is stable and operations continue as normal. We thank Pierre for

the information.

Kind regards,

Jos Rodrguez

(*) UTC station plots from T2L2 available at




==================================================== -O- ========

| NERC Space Geodesy Facility /| |

| Herstmonceux Castle / |

| Hailsham / |

| East Sussex ( / / /) |

| UK BN27 1RN ( /_/ / ) |

| Tel: +44 (0)1323 833888 ( |O| / ) |

| Fax: +44 (0)1323 833929 ================= |

| Email: josrod@nerc.ac.uk == == |

| Web: http://sgf.rgo.ac.uk/ = = |



This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.



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