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SLR-Mail No.2477

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Date:2017-12-21 09:10:08
Sender:Madzak Matthias <Matthias.Madzak@bev.gv.at>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2477: EGU18 GGOS Session
Content:Dear colleagues,

The EGU General Assembly is held from 8-13 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria.
We would like to draw your attention to the Geodesy session

G2.1: The Global Geodetic Observing System: Reaching 1 mm.

We look forward to abstracts addressing the challenges to reach the ambitious accuracy goals of the International geodetic community.

EGU General Assembly: https://egu2018.eu/
Abstract submission: http://bit.ly/2B83bgF
The abstract submission deadline is January 10 13:00 CET.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you!

Best regards

Matthias Madzak
Richard Gross
Mike Pearlman
Detlef Angermann
(Conveners of session G2.1)

Dear colleagues,


The EGU General Assembly is held from 8-13 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria.

We would like to draw your attention to the Geodesy session


G2.1: The Global Geodetic Observing System: Reaching 1 mm.


We look forward to abstracts addressing the challenges to reach the ambitious accuracy goals of the International geodetic community.


EGU General Assembly: https://egu2018.eu/

Abstract submission: http://bit.ly/2B83bgF

The abstract submission deadline is January 10 13:00 CET.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Thank you!



Best regards


Matthias Madzak

Richard Gross

Mike Pearlman

Detlef Angermann

(Conveners of session G2.1)



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