Date: | 2018-09-21 15:48:26 | |
Sender: | Soudarin Laurent <> | |
Subject: | [SLR-Mail] No.2539: IDS Newsletter #5 | |
Author: | unknown | |
Content: | From nobody Sat Sep 22 00:00:19 2018 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=”_000_DB6PR0302MB2663FD757F0008B83DF47479C3120DB6PR0302MB2663_” --_000_DB6PR0302MB2663FD757F0008B83DF47479C3120DB6PR0302MB2663_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the publication of IDS Newsletter #5 This issue contains the following articles: * DORIS stations in polar regions, an ongoing challenge for continuous = operation * DORIS on Sentinel-3B: and now seven! * Jason-2, ten years after * IDS meetings: a time to remove the nose from the grindstone Get to know the agency hosting DORIS in Rothera and find out about the late= st news from the International DORIS Service in the section ”IDS life”. Find IDS Newsletter #5 enclosed to this message and on the IDS website at: We wish you a pleasant reading. Laurent Soudarin On behalf of the IDS Central Bureau ________________________________ Ce message et toutes les pi?ces jointes (ci-apr?s le ”message”) sont ?tabli= s ? l´intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vo= us recevez ce message par erreur ou s´il ne vous est pas destin?, merci de = le d?truire ainsi que toute copie de votre syst?me et d´en avertir imm?diat= ement l´exp?diteur. Toute lecture non autoris?e, toute utilisation de ce me= ssage qui n´est pas conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute pub= lication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L´Internet ne permettant pas = d´assurer l´int?grit? de ce message ?lectronique susceptible d´alt?ration, = l´exp?diteur (et ses filiales) d?cline(nt) toute responsabilit? au titre de= ce message dans l´hypoth?se o? il aurait ?t? modifi? ou falsifi?. This message and any attachments (the ”message”) is intended solely for the= intended recipient(s) and is confidential. If you receive this message in = error, or are not the intended recipient(s), please delete it and any copie= s from your systems and immediately notify the sender. Any unauthorized vie= w, use that does not comply with its purpose, dissemination or disclosure, = either whole or partial, is prohibited. Since the internet cannot guarantee= the integrity of this message which may not be reliable, the sender (and i= ts subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if modified or falsifi= ed. --_000_DB6PR0302MB2663FD757F0008B83DF47479C3120DB6PR0302MB2663_ Content-Type: text/html; charset=”us-ascii” Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable osoft-com:office:office” xmlns:w=3D”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word” = xmlns:m=3D”” xmlns=3D”http:= //”> > Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the = This issue contains the followi=
Get to know the agency hosting = Find IDS Newsletter #5 enclosed= g/ids/reports-mails/newsletter.html”> We wish you a pleasant reading.=
Laurent Soudarin On behalf of the IDS Central Bu= N-US”> erif;”>Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes (ci-après = erif;”>This message and any attachments (the "message") is in= --_000_DB6PR0302MB2663FD757F0008B83DF47479C3120DB6PR0302MB2663_--%PDF-1.7 4 0 obj (Identity) endobj 5 0 obj (Adobe) endobj 8 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 82905 /Type /Stream >> stream x |E?TuGddLfB2 G@$W#^zN zzMTLHL=tuUwuSOS] HD8q{r.5 y´Oj7 |