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SLR-Mail No.2542

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Date:2018-10-09 09:54:06
Sender:David Coulot <David.Coulot@ign.fr>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No.2542: [APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENSION] Postdoctoral research position in the framework of the GEODESIE project
Author:David Coulot
Content:Author: David Coulot
Subject: [APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENSION] Postdoctoral research position in the framework of the GEODESIE project

Dear colleagues,

I remind you that the team of the GEODESIE project is recruiting for a two-year postdoctoral position starting in early 2019.
The deadline for application is now Sunday 11 November.

All information is available here (click on the flag at the top left for the english version): https://geodesie-anr.ign.fr/#recrutement .

Best regards,
David Coulot, on behalf of the team of the project.

@GEODESIE_ANR on Twitter

Author: David Coulot

Subject: [APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENSION] Postdoctoral research position in the framework of the GEODESIE project

Dear colleagues,

I remind you that the team of the GEODESIE project is recruiting for a two-year postdoctoral position starting in early 2019.

The deadline for application is now Sunday 11 November.

All information is available here (click on the flag at the top left for the english version)


Best regards,

David Coulot, on behalf of the team of the project.


@GEODESIE_ANR on Twitter

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